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Quran Tajweed for kids… The Best Online Applications

Quran Tajweed for kids - The Best Online Apps

Teaching Quran tajweed for kids is among the responsibilities that parents should ensure their children learn. The process of learning the rules of Tajweed for children varies with age, making it preferable to start teaching the basics of Tajweed in early childhood. This period is ideal due to the young child’s mind being alert and possessing the ability to memorize and absorb information easily, thus making it the best age to commence Tajweed learning. Teaching Tajweed to children is crucial in their religious upbringing and in fostering their connection with the Holy Quran. This education contributes to achieving numerous doctrinal, educational, and linguistic benefits. Herein, we delve into more details about teaching the Holy Quran’s Tajweed for kids.

Tajweed Principles for Children

Understanding the Holy Quran becomes more accessible and closer to its words and meanings for a child through Tajweed. Children learn the sounds and rules related to Tajweed, allowing them to read the Quran accurately and clearly. Teaching Tajweed improves children’s linguistic skills. They learn the correct recitation, emphasizing and ordering the letters, positively reflecting on the general learning of the Arabic language and developing the ability to pronounce correctly and verbal communication.

Learning Tajweed requires high concentration and attention from the child, following the rules and sounds, and practicing recitation accurately. This contributes to developing their ability to focus and pay attention, essential skills for achieving academic success and comprehensive learning.

When the children learn and master Tajweed, they feel confident and self-satisfied. Gaining a new skill in reciting the Holy Quran instills pride and confidence in their abilities. This positive impact reflects on other aspects of their life, helping to build a strong and balanced personality.

Teaching children Tajweed is a means to enhance spirituality and piety. As recitation improves and the child becomes capable of mastering the Tajweed of the Quran, the sense of belonging to the religion and strong connection with Allah increases. The child also learns values of ethics and good morals through the recitation of the Holy Quran and contemplating its meanings.

Understanding the basics of Quran Tajweed for kids is important and beneficial, aiding in a better comprehension of the Holy Quran, improving linguistic skills, enhancing focus and attention, boosting confidence and self-satisfaction, and fostering spirituality and piety. Teaching Tajweed should be fun and motivating for children, involving them in interactive activities and providing a supportive environment to develop their skills.

It’s worth noting that Tajweed is the art of pronouncing each letter of the Holy Quran from its correct articulation point, giving it its rights and dues of characteristics. Among the Tajweed rules for beginners are the rules of Al isti’adha (I seek protection with Allah from Shaytan the cursed) Al basmala (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful). Al isti’adha and Al basmala are recited together at the beginning of every Chapter (Surah) of the Quran except for Surah At-Tawbah.

When one of the Arabic letters follows either the Tanween or the Noon Sakinah, this encompasses four Tajweed rules, which are as follows:

Regarding the rules of the Meem Sakinah, when a letter follows a Meem Sakinah, it necessitates either idgham shafawi (oral assimilation), ikhfa’ shafawi (oral concealment), or izhar shafawi (oral manifestation). Ikhfa’ shafawi occurs when concealing the meem sound if followed by the letter baa, and it occurs between two words. It’s called ikhfa’ shafawi because the meem is articulated with the lips, as seen in the example “وهم بالآخرة” Idgham shafawi occurs by merging a Meem Sakinah with a subsequent pronounced meem, as in the verse “إن كنتم مؤمنين” Izhar shafawi happens when any other Arabic letters follow the Meem Sakinah, as in the verse “ولا يجرمنكم شنآن”

The emphasized meem and noo” have their rules in Tajweed, where an emphasized letter consists of a silent letter followed by a pronounced one. In the case of an emphasized noon and meem, a ghunnah of two counts is required, as in the verse “مِمَّ خُلِقَ”.

Simplified Quran Tajweed for Kids

When teaching Tajweed to children, it is important to introduce the three levels of Quran Tajweed for kids as a foundation. These levels are Tarteel, Tadweer, and Hadar. Tarteel involves reciting the verses of Allah slowly and thoughtfully, taking care to observe the rules of Tajweed and proper pauses during recitation. This is considered the best level, as Allah Almighty says, “And recite the Quran with measured recitation.” Tadweer is the intermediate level between slowness and speed, with attention to the rules of Tajweed. The third level, Hadar, involves reciting the Quran quickly while still observing the rules of Tajweed.

It’s important to note that teaching the Holy Quran to children is a duty on every parent, as it brings benefits in this life and the hereafter. To facilitate memorizing the Holy Quran for children, you can choose the appropriate time, preferably starting at an early age, such as seven or eight years old. It’s essential to select a time when the child is energetic and focused, while ensuring a suitable environment for Quran memorization. Engaging educational tools can help in memorizing the Holy Quran. Among the digital applications you can rely on for children’s Quran memorization is the Moddakir application for children. This app enables children to memorize and proficiently recite the Holy Quran correctly through repetition and practice.

Tajweed involves the proper articulation of each letter from the Holy Quran, giving each its due rights and dues according to the rules. Teaching tajweed to children is crucial as it helps them master the pronunciation of the Quran, understand the meanings of Allah’s verses, and enables them to ponder and recite them correctly. To facilitate the learning of simplified tajweed for children, several points should be considered:

Simplified Tajweed aims to teach children the basic rules of Tajweed in ways that are simple and suited to their understanding and abilities. Children are taught the fundamental Quranic letters and sounds, along with the correct punctuation, and learn how to read words based on the Tajweed rules they contain. They are guided and taught the basic Tajweed rules, such as Noon Sakinah and Tanween, Madd, Idgham, and more, which are then applied in practical reading. Simplified Tajweed is characterized by the use of teaching methods appropriate for children, such as games, interactive activities, and simple illustrations. Tajweed concepts are presented in fun and simplified ways, helping to comprehend and learn Quran for kids more effectively.

Simplified Tajweed for children is considered an initial stage in learning Tajweed, where the foundations are solidified, and their vocal skills and reading of Quranic words are developed in a correct and beautiful manner. Afterwards, children’s Tajweed skills are gradually and practically enhanced to become proficient readers of the Holy Quran with Tajweed. Simplified Tajweed for children should be conducted under the supervision of a Tajweed-specialized teacher who has experience in dealing with children. This teacher helps in guiding the children, motivating them, and providing the necessary guidance to achieve progress in Tajweed skills.

You can teach simplified Tajweed to your children at home by relying on the Moddakir app, which offers sessions tailored to their level and age for learning to read the Holy Quran through listening and recitation for children with the best teachers specialized in educating children, totaling up to 100 male and female teachers trained at the highest level for teaching youngsters and qualified to manage various educational sessions.

The Basics of Tajweed for the Holy Quran

Learning Tajweed, whether for adults or children, means reciting the Holy Quran without mistakes. Tajweed preserves the tongue from errors in reciting the verses of Allah Almighty. Learning Tajweed helps in contemplating the meanings of the Holy Quran and reflecting on Allah’s verses and their meanings. It contributes to training in correct Arabic language and learning Tajweed is the best way to learn the Arabic language at its core. Teaching children Tajweed helps achieve quality in recitation and improves performance when reading the Holy Quran.

Tajweed of the Holy Quran is a science that focuses on reciting the Quran correctly and beautifully, encompassing rules and regulations related to pronunciation, Tarteel, pausing, and Tajweed itself. For children to learn the Tajweed of the Holy Quran, they need to be familiar with some basics that help them understand and apply these rules. Here are the fundamentals of Tajweed for the Holy Quran that should be taught to children:

Why is choosing the Moddakir app considered the best for teaching children? 

If you wish to teach your child the Tajweed of the Holy Quran with ease, the Moddakir app is the best choice. Your child will learn the Quran very smoothly, including the correct reading of the Quran along with Tajweed and recitation lessons, and will easily learn the articulation points of letters. This is done by choosing weekly sessions for children and selecting the number of lines required for the child to memorize in each session, starting a smooth journey towards mastering the Holy Quran.

Moreover, one of the best features of the Moddakir Childhood app is that it allows your child to be with a teacher in a safe environment. The teacher works on motivating the child to learn and memorize the Holy Quran and to understand the basic principles of Tajweed for reading different verses of the Holy Quran.

The Moddakir app contributes to teaching children the Holy Quran through dictation from the teacher, which helps the child to listen to the verses directly, then read and repeat them until the child masters them perfectly.

A child can learn using the Moddakir app by installing the Moddakir Childhood application via Google Play or the App Store, then adding your child as a follower to the main account for easy learning. Then, the child logs in with their own account, either from your device or through another device, to ensure that your child is focusing well with their teacher. The Moddakir app has ensured to offer sessions with audio and video to make learning more interactive.

The Moddakir app provides a group of specialized and qualified teachers for educating children to ensure the best quality of teaching the Holy Quran and Tajweed. Through the app, parents can choose any of the educational paths suitable for teaching children Arabic and Quranic recitation. They can opt for a foundational learning path based on the Tibyan principle or choose the recitation-based learning approach, in the foundational learning path.

Children are taught Arabic and Quranic recitation by explaining the basic rules and regulations of the Arabic language and Tajweed. They are taught the Arabic alphabet, how to pronounce it, and recognize the correct sounds of each letter. They are also taught the basic grammatical and morphological rules and punctuation.

They are trained in reciting the Quran based on the acquired rules. In the recitation-based learning pathway, children rely on repeating the verse with their teacher without learning the rules and linguistic regulations in detail. The verse is recited correctly and beautifully, and the words are organized and executed according to the correct recitation presented by the teacher. The verse is repeated over and over until the child can recite it correctly and convincingly.

The educational pathway most suitable for the child should be chosen based on their needs, level, and linguistic abilities. Some children benefit from learning the rules and linguistic regulations separately, while others benefit from intensive training in recitation and repetition. Learning should be reinforced with regular practice and ongoing training. Regardless of the chosen pathway, repetition and periodic exercise with the teacher will help the child make progress and improve their recitation and understanding of the Holy Quran.

Moddakir Childhood App Features:

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