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How to finish Quran in Ramadan – Is it mandatory to finish Quran in Ramadan

How to finish Quran in Ramadan

Why Is Ramadan Associated with the Quran? Do you have to finish the Quran in Ramadan?

Many people search for ways to finish Quran in Ramadan more than once, as there is a profound relationship between the Quran and Ramadan, being the month in which the Quran was revealed. There are verses and Hadiths about the month of Ramadan, as Allah says: “The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.” [Al-Baqara: 185], and on a blessed night, which is Laylat al-Qadr, as Allah says: “Indeed, it is We Who sent this Quran down on the Night of Glory. And what will make you realize what the Night of Glory is? The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months. That night the angels and the holy spirit descend, by the permission of their Lord, for every decreed matter.” [Al-Qadr: 1-4]. Allah Almighty revealed this Quran all at once to a place called Bayt al-‘Izzah in the lowest heaven, and then it was revealed in portions to the heart of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. It is said that the revelation of the Quran began on Laylat al-Qadr of Ramadan, and the entire Quran is referred to as Quran, as is each individual verse. It is also said that the beginning of the Quran’s revelation during this blessed month, and on the blessed night of Laylat al-Qadr, gives the month a special significance with the Quran. Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Ibn Abbas: (The Prophet, peace be upon him, used to meet Gabriel every night in Ramadan to study the Holy Qur’an carefully together.) He would read the Quran to Gabriel, peace be upon him, and during the last year of his life, peace be upon him, he read the Quran twice.

The Merit of Finishing the Quran in Ramadan and the Multiplication of Good Deeds: What happens when you finish Quran in Ramadan?

Out of Allah’s mercy, He has provided Muslims with virtuous times during which good deeds are multiplied, such as the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah and Ramadan. Hence, the righteous used to compete in performing good deeds during Ramadan in a way they would not in other months, especially in engaging with the Quran. Reciting the Quran brings great reward, which is multiplied in itself. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will receive one good deed as ten good deeds like it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is one letter, but rather Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter, and Mim is a letter.”

The Righteous Competing in Reciting the Quran in Ramadan: Reward of finishing Quran in Ramadan

Imam Malik, upon the advent of the blessed month, would abandon hadith and sitting with scholars to focus on reading the Quran from the Mushaf. Sufyan al-Thawri used to say: “It is about feeding the hungry and reading the Quran.” Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, the author of Sahih Bukhari, would complete the Quran every day during the daytime in Ramadan and after Tarawih prayers, he would complete it every three nights.

Sa’id ibn Jubayr would complete the Quran every two nights. Zubaid al-Yami, when Ramadan arrived, would bring out the Mushaf and gather his companions around it. Al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik would complete the Quran every three days and completed it seventeen times in Ramadan.

Some scholars have allowed completing the Quran in less than three days during Ramadan due to the special association of this blessed month with the Quran. Allah Almighty has made the Quran a guide for the pious as He informed. Believers increase in faith by listening to the Quran, and those with sickness in their hearts only increase in doubt and turmoil, as Allah Almighty says: “The believers are only those who, when Allāh is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely” [Al-Anfal: 2].

Tips to finish Quran in Ramadan: How many pages of Quran to read a day to finish in Ramadan?

Method for Completing the Quran Once in Ramadan: Schedule to finish Quran in Ramadan

A Muslim can complete the Quran once during the month of Ramadan by reading one part each day, following one of the two methods below.

First Method for Completing the Quran Once in Ramadan:

A part consists of twenty pages, divided into four sections to be read at four different times, each part being five pages. The first five pages are read after Fajr prayer, the second set of five after Dhuhr or Asr prayer, then five pages after Maghrib prayer, and the last five pages are read after the Taraweeh prayer or during Suhoor. This way, a Muslim can easily complete a recitation of the Quran during Ramadan.

Second Method for Completing the Quran Once in Ramadan:

The part can also be divided into five sections, each consisting of four pages. Each set of four pages is read between the call to prayer (Adhan) and the commencement of the prayer (Iqama) for each of the five daily prayers. Thus, by the end of the day, a complete part is read, offering another method to complete the Quran once in Ramadan.

How to finish Quran twice in Ramadan: Easy way to finish Quran in Ramadan

A Muslim can complete the Quran twice during the month of Ramadan by reading two parts each day. This can be done by reading ten pages at four different times of the day, or reading eight pages between each call to prayer (Adhan) and the commencement of the prayer (Iqama), or after each prayer.

Method of Completing the Quran Three Times in Ramadan: Ramadan Quran reading schedule

A Muslim can complete the Quran three times during the month of Ramadan by dedicating an hour and a half each day to reading, divided into three separate periods throughout the day, with each period being half an hour. In the first half-hour, one part of the Quran is read, followed by a second part in the next half-hour, and then a third part in the last period. Thus, three parts are completed in a single day.

Method to Finish Quran Four Times in Ramadan:

A Muslim can complete the Holy Quran in seven days, following the example of the righteous predecessors. They divided the Quran into seven parts and read it over seven days. They would begin the first day by reading the first three Surahs (chapters) of the Quran, then read the next five Surahs on the following day, followed by seven Surahs, then nine Surahs, then eleven Surahs, then thirteen Surahs, and conclude on the seventh day by reading the Mufassal Surahs, from Surah Qaf to the last Surah, An-Nas.

Method of Completing the Quran Ten Times in Ramadan:

As one of the methods for completing the Quran multiple times in Ramadan, a Muslim can complete the Holy Quran every three days. This is done by distributing reading sessions over five times during the day and night. A portion can be read between the Adhan and the Iqama, starting after the Fajr prayer Adhan, estimating the reading time of each part to be about twenty minutes for those who read quickly while observing the rules of Tajweed. Then, allocate an hour after the Fajr prayer to read three parts of the Quran. Two more parts are to be read after the Dhuhr prayer, followed by three parts after the Asr prayer, and then one part after the Maghrib or Isha prayer.

Supplication for Completing the Quran in Ramadan

What is the ruling on making supplication after completing the Quran?

What is transmitted from the predecessors is making supplication after completing the Quran, without adhering to a specific supplication or format. When a Muslim completes the Holy Quran, whether in Ramadan or outside of it, it is recommended for them to raise their hands, supplicate to Allah the Almighty, and ask Him for the goodness of this world and the hereafter.

Is There a Specific Supplication After Completing the Ramadan Recitation?

Sheikh Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked:

He answered:

There is no evidence, to our knowledge, of a specific supplication being designated for this occasion. Therefore, it is permissible for a person to make any supplication they wish, choosing from the beneficial supplications such as asking for forgiveness of sins, attainment of Paradise, protection from Hellfire, seeking refuge from trials, asking for success in understanding the Holy Quran in a manner that pleases Allah the Almighty, acting upon it, memorizing Quran, and so on. This is because it has been reported from Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, that he would gather his family when completing the Quran and make supplication. Refer to the collection of Fatwas by Ibn Baz 11/358.

Beneficial Supplications After Quran Completion in Ramadan or Otherwise:

O Allah, have mercy on me through the Quran and make it a leader, light, guidance, and mercy for me. O Allah, remind me of what I have forgotten from it, teach me what I am ignorant of, grant me the recitation of it during the night and at the ends of the day, and make it a proof for me, O Lord of the Worlds. O Allah, rectify my religion which is the safeguard of my affair, and rectify my worldly life in which is my living, and rectify my Hereafter in which is my return, and make life an increase for me in every good, and death a relief for me from every evil. O Allah, make the best part of my life its end, the best of my actions the last of them, and the best of my days the day I meet You. O Allah, I ask You for a blissful life, a peaceful death, a return that is neither disgraceful nor shameful. O Allah, I ask You for the best of requests, the best of supplications, the best success, the best knowledge, the best deed, the best reward, the best life, and the best death; make me steadfast, weigh my deeds heavily, affirm my faith, elevate my rank, accept my prayer, forgive my sins, and I ask You for the highest levels of Paradise. O Allah, make it (the Quran) a cure, guidance, a leader, and a mercy for us, and grant us the recitation of it in a manner that pleases You.

How to finish reading the Quran in Ramadan: Best way to finish Quran in Ramadan

Additionally, to finish reading Quran during Ramadan you can use the Moddakir application which provides teachers for the Holy Quran around the clock to assist with memorization, review, and correction of recitation at any desired time.

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