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Reading the Quran in Ramadan: Contemplating the Verses for Adults and Children

quran reading in ramadan

One of the most important acts of worship Muslims engage in during the month of Ramadan is reading the Quran. This month is known as the month of forgiveness, filled with righteous deeds and acts of worship. Reading and reciting the Holy Quran during this time is given special importance. In the following context, we will explore the benefits of reading the Quran in Ramadan and how to make the most of this blessed act of worship. Reading the Quran during Ramadan brings multiplied rewards; in this holy month, the reward and forgiveness from Allah are greater than in other months. Therefore, reading the Quran in Ramadan is an opportunity to increase one’s reward and favor from Allah.

Reading Quran during Ramadan

Reading the Quran during Ramadan has a profound effect on the soul and spirit. In Ramadan, there is a focus on contemplating and pondering the meanings of the Quran, which helps strengthen the relationship with Allah and increase spiritual awareness. The Holy Quran calms the soul and achieves inner peace. When Muslims recite the words of Allah, they feel comfort and tranquillity.

Reading the Quran helps eliminate stress and anxiety and enhances inner calm and spiritual serenity.

Moreover, the Holy Quran contains many stories, wisdom, and divine guidelines. Reading it in Ramadan allows Muslims to listen to the words of Allah and be influenced by them. The Quran holds judgments and guidance that can positively affect personal and societal life. It encourages self-improvement and positive change, guiding believers towards virtues and good morals. Additionally, reading the Quran expands understanding and knowledge.

Ramadan is a special opportunity to read the Quran and benefit from its virtue and blessings. Reading it in Ramadan through the Moddakir application enhances spirituality and religious awareness. Let’s take advantage of this great month by reading the Quran and reflecting on its verses, striving to apply its teachings in our daily lives.

Benefits of reading the whole Quran in Ramadan

Reading the Quran in Ramadan is one of the most important and best acts of worship through which a Muslim draws closer to Allah the Almighty. In this blessed month, Allah the Almighty showers His mercy and forgiveness upon His servants, and the reward and merit are multiplied. Abu Hurayra – may Allah be pleased with him – reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will receive one good deed as ten good deeds like it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is one letter, but rather Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter, and Mim is a letter.”

Allah the Almighty doubles the reward and merit for reading the Quran in Ramadan. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, said: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Allah the Almighty doubles the good deeds in Ramadan, and Allah loves the doers of good.”

Regarding those who wonder about the number of good deeds in reading the Quran in Ramadan, in reality, there is no fixed limit to the number of good deeds a Muslim earns from reading the Quran in Ramadan, as the reward and merit are multiplied by Allah the Almighty through His grace and mercy.

Reading the Quran in Ramadan is a light that illuminates the paths of its reader with faith. Daily reading of the Quran in Ramadan grants the reader clarity of mind, strength of memory, and tranquility of heart. It makes an individual feel joy, happiness, and strength of spirit, and frees them from sadness, fear, stress, and anxiety. Scientifically, it has been proven that reading the Holy Quran strengthens human immunity and frees them from chronic diseases.

Regarding the reward for reading Quran in Ramadan, reading the Quran during the month of Ramadan carries numerous rewards and merits for Muslims. Ramadan is considered a blessed and virtuous month, and reading the Quran in it is an opportunity to increase reward and forgiveness from Allah. Here are some shared benefits of reading the Quran in ramadan that Muslims can gain:

Dividing the reading of the Quran in Ramadan

As the month of Ramadan approaches, Muslims are required to organize their time effectively to maximize the grace and blessings that this blessed month carries. One of the fundamental acts of worship that deserves focus and attention during Ramadan is the reading of the Holy Quran. To ensure maximum benefit from reciting the Quran in this blessed month, it is advised to divide and organize the reading in a way suitable for both adults and children. Dividing the reading Quran during Ramadan helps adults maximize the benefits of reciting the Quran, where they can read a specific part each day. This contributes to a better understanding, contemplation, and reflection on the meanings of the texts, and provides the opportunity to apply the lessons and preachings mentioned in the Quran in daily life.

Dividing the reading helps achieve consistency and focus in reciting the Quran. When a specific part is designated for daily reading, the individual has a clear goal to achieve, which motivates them to continue without faltering in reading the Quran throughout the month. The best way to divide the reading of the Quran in Ramadan is to create a Quran reading schedule during Ramadan that specifies a part of the Quran to read daily, for both adults and children. You can distribute the parts according to your capacity and ability to focus, and it is useful to set a specific time of day for reading the Quran, such as after the Fajr prayer, or before breaking the fast (Iftar), ensuring to read the Quran correctly. Beginners can learn Tajweed through recitation with a teacher via the Moddakir application.

Similarly, the primary goal of reciting the Quran in Ramadan is to contemplate Allah’s verses. Contemplation of the Quran helps in understanding the meanings of verses and chapters deeply and comprehensively. Understanding the words, verses, and context aids in grasping Allah’s message accurately and correctly. Allah speaks to us in the Quran to guide and direct us in our lives. When we contemplate the Quran, we discover the ethical foundations and faith values that Allah encourages us to adopt.

When does Quran reading begin in Ramadan?

In general, the beginning of Quran reading in Ramadan starts with the onset of the month, as a daily practice to gain the rewards acquired from reading the Quran in Ramadan and contemplating Allah’s verses. There are many ideal times for Quran reading, among them: the time after Fajr prayer, as the morning is considered an ideal time for Quran recitation in Ramadan. After performing the Fajr prayer, calmness and tranquility prevail, allowing you to benefit from this time for Quran reading and contemplation. Additionally, you can increase Quran reading in Ramadan before the Tarawih prayers to prepare for Tarawih with a humble spirit.

There’s a hadith regarding reading the Quran in Ramadan where Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, encourages us to read the Quran in Ramadan. It was reported by Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “It will be said to the companion of the Quran: Recite and ascend as you recited in the world! Verily, your rank is determined by the last verse you recite.’.” And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, used to sit in Ramadan until dawn, reading the Quran and praying.”

It is recommended to increase the recitation of the Quran in Ramadan and to complete reading the entire Quran more than once, though this is not obligatory for Muslims. Ibn Al-Athir in “Jami’ al-Usul fi Ahadeth ar-Rasul” stated, “It means that he (the Prophet) would review all that was revealed of the Quran with him.” Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked: Is it mandatory for a fasting person to complete the Quran in Ramadan? He replied: “Completing the Quran in Ramadan for a fasting person is not obligatory, but it is recommended for a person in Ramadan to increase the recitation of the Quran, as it was the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who would review the Quran with Gabriel every Ramadan.”

Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to recite the Quran in Ramadan to complete it?

Regarding the recitation of the Quran in Ramadan, numerous questions arise, including whether it’s permissible for a menstruating woman to recite the Quran in Ramadan to complete it, whether it’s permissible to start reading the Quran before Ramadan and finish it in Ramadan, and whether a menstruating woman can read the Quran from a mobile phone. In response to these inquiries, we refer to the Prophet Muhammad’s statement to Lady Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, during the Farewell Pilgrimage when she menstruated: “do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of the Taw-af (Circumambulation) round the Ka’ba until you are purified.” This hadith indicates that there’s no harm in a menstruating woman reciting the Quran without touching the Mus’haf directly, allowing her to read the Quran in Ramadan from a mobile phone or by heart. In Islamic jurisprudence, opinions vary on the permissibility for a menstruating woman to read the Quran from a mobile in Ramadan. Some scholars see no issue with reading the Quran from a mobile or any other electronic device, as the text displayed on the screen is not considered a printed copy of the Quran. On the other hand, some scholars suggest it’s better for a menstruating woman to refrain from directly reciting the Quran, whether from a mobile or a printed copy, based on certain prophetic hadiths that prohibit menstruating women from touching the Mus’haf. A menstruating woman can read the Quran in Ramadan through the Moddakir application.

Reading the Quran in Ramadan for Children

We should encourage our children to read the Holy Quran in Ramadan, even if it’s just one Surah throughout the month, like Al-Baqarah, by reading a few verses daily with a focus on contemplating the verses and memorizing the Quran. Raising children on the Quran involves multiple listenings, recitations, and then reading. With the Moddakir Children’s app, you can plan this in a distinctive methodology. With Moddakir for Quran teaching, you can start your child’s mastery journey, providing a sheikh who listens to you, corrects your Quran recitation around the clock, offering teachers for boys and instructors for girls. The app includes recitation, as well as memorization, review, recitation correction, and reading, making it a comprehensive Quran app available anytime, anywhere on mobile. Ramadan is a perfect opportunity for daily learning, even if it’s just one verse. All you need is to install the Moddakir Children’s app on the child’s mobile and start the Quranic journey to improve reading the Holy Quran in Ramadan. This practice follows the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) tradition, as he would study the Quran with Gabriel every night in Ramadan. Make your study of the Quran with the Moddakir app during this blessed month.

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