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Teaching Adults to Read Quran and Learn Tajweed Rules

Teaching Adults to Read Quran and Learn Tajweed Rules

Adults can easily learn to read the Quran and the rules of Tajweed. In this article, we will explore how to learn to read Quran with Tajweed for adults, the best program for learning, some of the rules of Tajweed, and key tips that aid in teaching the reading of the Holy Quran.

Learn to Read Quran for Beginners:

Reading the Quran daily is crucial and benefits the individual in both this life and the hereafter. Learning to read the Quran at a young age is much easier than in adulthood, but this does not prevent Muslims from memorizing the Quran because of their age. Many companions (Sahabah) who embraced Islam later in life learned the Quran, and history is filled with stories of scholars who started their journey in their later years. Indeed, this period might be even better due to the clarity of mind, maturity, and wisdom they possess. When adults wish to learn how to learn and read Quran correctly, they should first learn the basics of the Arabic language properly, focusing on the articulation points of words.

Understanding the articulation points is very important and assists you in the correct pronunciation of the Quran. It helps in distinguishing between similar letters in pronunciation and learning how to pronounce differing letters. Moreover, learning to read quran for adults correctly is crucial, and among the most important aspects is learning the rules of Tajweed.

Teaching the Holy Quran with Tajweed to Adults:

When learning the Quran, you should initially learn the rules of Tajweed (rules of Quranic recitation), which enable you to recite the Quran correctly and properly. Among the most important Tajweed rules that you need to learn are the following:

Rules Of Noon Sakinah And Tanween:

Rules Of Noon Sakinah And Tanween include 4 main rules as follows:

Izhar (Clear Pronunciation)

Izhar linguistically means clarification, and it involves pronouncing the Tanween and Noon Sakinah clearly without ghunnah (nasalization). The rule of Izhar is obligatory if the Tanween or Nun Sakinah is followed by any of these letters: Hamza, Ha, Kha, ‘Ain, Ghain, or Ha.

Idgham (Merging):

Idgham is pronouncing two letters as if they are a single, doubled (shaddah) letter. The merging of Noon Sakinah or Tanween occurs by integrating it into the following letter among the Idgham letters, making the Idgham letter sound with a shaddah, and the Tanween or Noon Sakinah is merged into it, not pronounced distinctly.

There are two types of Idgham: Idgham with ghunnah occurs if after the Tanween or Noon Sakinah are the letters (Ya, Noon, Meem, Waw), and Idgham without ghunnah occurs if after the Noon Sakinah or Tanween are the letters (Ra, Lam).

Iqlab (Conversion):

Iqlab involves substituting one letter for another. It occurs when the letter Ba follows the Noon Sakinah or Tanween. In this case, the Tanween or Noon Sakinah is converted into a softened Meem with a two vowel Ghunnah.

Ikhfa’ Haqiqi (Real Hiding):

In this rule, the pronunciation of Tanween or Noon Sakinah falls between Izhar and merging Idgham without doubling with a two vowel Ghunnah. The Noon Sakinah and Tanween are hidden when followed by the letters (Ta, Tha, Jeem, Dal, Dhal, Zay, Seen, Sheen, Sad, Dad, Tah, Zah, Fa, Qaf, Kaf).

Rules of the Silent Meem:

The silent Meem is the Meem that carries a sukoon in both connected and paused reading. There are three types of rules for the silent Meem, which are:

Idgham Al-Saghir (Lesser Merging):

This occurs when there is a merging of like letters with ghunnah, which happens if another Meem follows a silent Meem. In this case, the silent Meem merges with the subsequent moving Meem, as in the phrase “ولكم ما”.

Lesser merging also occurs when there is a Noon Sakinah or Tanween before the Meem, whether it is an original Meem or one resulting from the conversion of Tanween and Noon Sakinah, as in the phrase “كتابٍ مبين”.

Ikhfa’ Shafawi (Oral Hiding):

Oral hiding occurs when the letter Ba follows a silent Meem, in which case the Ba is hidden with ghunnah, for example, in “يعتصم بالله”.

Izhar Shafawi (Oral Manifestation):

This is the clear pronunciation of the silent Meem without ghunnah. Oral manifestation occurs when any of the alphabet letters follow the silent Meem, except for the letters Ba and Meem, for example, in “أم تقولون”.

Rules of Madd (Elongation):

Madd Asli (Original Elongation):

Madd is the extension of sound when pronouncing the elongation letters (Alif, Waw, Ya) during Quran recitation. The elongation lasts for two counts provided there is no Hamzah or Sukoon following the elongation letter. However, if an Alif Wasl follows an elongation letter, neither the elongation letter nor the Alif Wasl is pronounced.

Madd Far’i (Subsidiary Elongation):

This type of elongation can be divided into 5 categories, three of which are due to the Hamzah (glottal stop): connected elongation (Madd Muttasil), separated elongation (Madd Munfasil), and substitution elongation (Madd Badal). The other two types are due to Sukoon (non-vowel marker) and include temporary elongation (Madd ‘Arid Lil Sukoon) and obligatory elongation (Madd Lazim).

Subsidiary Elongation Due to Hamzah:

Madd Muttasil (Connected Elongation):

This obligatory elongation involves extending the sound of one of the three elongation letters (Alif, Waw, Ya) for four, five, or six counts. The elongation letter must be in the same word followed by a Hamzah within the same word, such as in “السماء”, “الملائكة”.

Madd Badal (Substitution Elongation):

Also known as permissible elongation, it involves extending the sound of one of the three elongation letters for two counts, provided that a Hamzah precedes the elongation, as in the word “آمن”.

Madd Far’i (Subsidiary Elongation) Due to Sukoon:

Madd ‘Arid (Temporary Elongation):

This involves extending the sound of one of the three elongation letters (Alif, Waw, Ya) when it follows a temporary sukoon caused by stopping. The elongation at the stop can be for two, four, or six counts only. An example of this is the word “يؤمنون”.

Madd Lazim (Necessary Elongation):

This type of elongation extends the sound for six counts on one of the elongation letters and occurs when a mandatory sukoon follows the elongation letter. There are types of Necessary Elongation, including:

What is the Quran Learning Program for Adults?

To learn to read Quran in Arabic with Tajweed rules, you can turn to one of the Quran reading teaching programs. One of the best programs is the Moddakir app, which specializes in memorizing and teaching the Quran for both adults and children through a group of the best teachers who have certification in the Quran.

Through the Moddakir app, learning to read the Quran becomes simple and easy, with the possibility to communicate with teachers at any time. Learn to read Quran app provides instruction in Tajweed rules, correction of pronunciation, and improvement of word articulation.

Moddakir also offers the flexibility to choose your suitable time for learning and memorizing the Quran without being bound to a specific schedule. You can select your learning plan and path. It’s noteworthy that Quran teaching and memorization sessions are available around the clock.

Key Tips for Learn to read Quran word by Word with Tajweed:

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