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Online Quran Memorization for kids.. Benefits of Memorizing Quran for Kids

Online Quran memorization for kids

Online Quran Memorization for Kids is very important as it develops the principles of Islam and good morals in themselves. 

Moreover, memorizing the Holy Quran has many benefits that benefit children to prepare a new Muslim generation capable of facing the challenges present in the modern age, especially with the spread of technology and social media that may harm them.

Through the following, you can learn about how to memorize the Quran for children online and the most important benefits for the child and the family in general.

Memorizing the Quran for Children Online:

When you wish to teach children to memorize the Holy Quran, it’s crucial to look for the right methods that fulfill this desire without wasting all the efforts in teaching the child in vain.

There are many methods that can be followed, including group memorization through recitation, individual memorization, or online memorization through specialized apps and websites that offer Quran memorization sections for children.

Technology can be well utilized in teaching the Quran for child online, thanks to the availability of many specialized sites and apps. Among them is the Moddakir app, which offers a distinguished service for teaching and memorizing the Quran and encourages regular memorization in an enjoyable way that increases children’s desire to memorize and recite.

It’s noteworthy that many major mosques, during the coronavirus outbreak, resorted to forming circles for memorizing the Quran for both children and adults online. This approach continued even after the pandemic ended and life returned to normal, as online memorization saves time by allowing you to choose the suitable time for you and your child to attend an online session at any time of the day.

The benefits of memorizing the Quran for Children:

The Benefits of Teaching Quran Memorization to Parents:

When parents are keen on teaching their children to memorize the Quran, it benefits them in this life and the hereafter. This is according to the prophetic hadith reported by Mu’adh ibn Anas al-Juhani, where the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever recites the Quran and acts according to what is in it, his parents will be crowned on the Day of Resurrection with a light brighter than the light of the sun in your worldly houses, were it among you. What do you think of one who acts upon this?”

Teaching children the Quran through apps helps parents monitor them correctly, especially if the app is certified and reliable, and choosing the right time for them, which saves time and effort.

Tips for Teaching Children to Memorize the Quran:

There are several tips you can follow to help children memorize the Quran. Some of the most important tips include:

Online Quran Memorization Methods for Children:

One of the most effective methods for quran online for kids involves visiting websites specialized in Quran memorization via the internet or downloading dedicated applications that facilitate the memorization process for the child. Among the best of these applications is the Moddakir application for children.

Moddakir App:

This is an online Quran memorization program for children, featuring a specialized section for children’s memorization. Through this app, you can specify the following:

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